Hi guys!
I can't believe its nearly 2016!!! A whole new year to make amazing memories, go to great places, and meet incredible people! This year, I am going to set myself goals, and try to stick to them. Some will be easier than others, but I'm going to try do them all. Here we go...
· In 2016, I want to become more flexible. This will help with my ballet, jazz, and (probably) my general health (I don't know if it actually will, lets just say it does?)
·I want to eat less junk, and go on more runs. I won't exactly be Ms Fit the Fitness goals person, but I'm not great when it comes to excercising and all that jazz, so I'm going to try a bit harder next year!!!
· I'm going to study more, especially chemistry... even if I never get the real point of electrons and protons and all their friends.
· Hopefully, my blog will get bigger, and better, and I'll find lots of other blogs, too!
· Lastly, I hope to become more confident in front of people I don't really know, and actually TALK rather than just smiling, nodding, and thinking about something completely random while looking really angry (even though I'm not!)
These are my goals that I'll hopefully achieve. How about you? What are your goals for 2016? Let me know in the comments!!!
Kisses, Rose
Tuesday, 29 December 2015
Sunday, 13 December 2015
Secret Santa Gift Guide
Hi guys!
Seeing that its sooo close to Christmas right now, lots of people are doing Secret Santa. I did it twice this year, (once with my friends, once with my class). And I actually found it pretty hard to think of present ideas, because usually you don't know the person you have that well. So, in todays blog post, I will give you all some ideas for presents to give for Secret Santa. Enjoy!
Candles. And scented candles.
I love candles. Sooo much. Especially scented candles. Especially Wintery, Christmassy scented candles. They smell so good you could eat them (does that make sense?) ,they give off a beautiful lighting, and they look super, too! Plus, they aren't terribly expensive (usually). If your person doesnt really like scented candles - there are people out there like that- you could just get an unscented candle.So why the hell not?
I got this Frosted Marshmallow candle from Penneys. This smells super sweet, and just like marshmallows really :-)
Mini beauty products
Mini beauty products are a great idea for Christmas, I think. No explanation needed, to be honest. And if you like the mini version, then you can you all the way out with it, and get the big version later on.
I have especially been loving The Body Shop's mini beauty range. You can get a little set of mini hand cream and lip butter, which I got and its really nice, not terribly expensive either. I have the coconut scent, and it is definately something I recommend!
Tea/Hot chocolate/Other hot drinks with a mug
I think that these are really good gift ideas. I am a huge person for herbal teas (My aunt calls them hippy teas!) , and I actually got this really cute tea set from one of my friends. It comes with some teabags, an infuser, and a really cute mug that says 'hot tea' on it. If your person doesnt really like tea, then you can you down the hot chocolate route. Because, who doesnt like Hot chocolate?! A really quick, cute DIY thing you can do for the hot chocolate is put the powder in a jar, and top it with marshmallows. Bam. Hot chocolate delicousness that looks great in a jar. Another drink you go for is coffe, a drink I personally hate, but most people love it. Yet again, you can go all DIY-ish, and put some capsules, or instant coffee into a jar.
Pretty obvious, right? If you know the person well, you can give them their favourite treats, but if all else fails, candy canes are the way to go. They're cheap, Christmassy AND pretty. Yaaasss...
So theres ny Secret Santa Gift Guide. Are you doing Secret Santa this year? What are you getting for your person? Let me know in the comments!!!
Kisses, Rose
Seeing that its sooo close to Christmas right now, lots of people are doing Secret Santa. I did it twice this year, (once with my friends, once with my class). And I actually found it pretty hard to think of present ideas, because usually you don't know the person you have that well. So, in todays blog post, I will give you all some ideas for presents to give for Secret Santa. Enjoy!
Candles. And scented candles.
I love candles. Sooo much. Especially scented candles. Especially Wintery, Christmassy scented candles. They smell so good you could eat them (does that make sense?) ,they give off a beautiful lighting, and they look super, too! Plus, they aren't terribly expensive (usually). If your person doesnt really like scented candles - there are people out there like that- you could just get an unscented candle.So why the hell not?
I got this Frosted Marshmallow candle from Penneys. This smells super sweet, and just like marshmallows really :-)
Mini beauty products
Mini beauty products are a great idea for Christmas, I think. No explanation needed, to be honest. And if you like the mini version, then you can you all the way out with it, and get the big version later on.
I have especially been loving The Body Shop's mini beauty range. You can get a little set of mini hand cream and lip butter, which I got and its really nice, not terribly expensive either. I have the coconut scent, and it is definately something I recommend!
Tea/Hot chocolate/Other hot drinks with a mug
I think that these are really good gift ideas. I am a huge person for herbal teas (My aunt calls them hippy teas!) , and I actually got this really cute tea set from one of my friends. It comes with some teabags, an infuser, and a really cute mug that says 'hot tea' on it. If your person doesnt really like tea, then you can you down the hot chocolate route. Because, who doesnt like Hot chocolate?! A really quick, cute DIY thing you can do for the hot chocolate is put the powder in a jar, and top it with marshmallows. Bam. Hot chocolate delicousness that looks great in a jar. Another drink you go for is coffe, a drink I personally hate, but most people love it. Yet again, you can go all DIY-ish, and put some capsules, or instant coffee into a jar.
Pretty obvious, right? If you know the person well, you can give them their favourite treats, but if all else fails, candy canes are the way to go. They're cheap, Christmassy AND pretty. Yaaasss...
So theres ny Secret Santa Gift Guide. Are you doing Secret Santa this year? What are you getting for your person? Let me know in the comments!!!
Kisses, Rose
Sunday, 6 December 2015
The Christmas Tag!
Hello everyone!
Today, I've decided to do the Christmas tag, because why not? This is the first tag I've done on this blog, so lets get started!
1. What is your favourite Christmas film?
The Santa Clause. Definately. Hang on, maybe Elf... or what about Home Alone 2?
I'm not sure. One of those, anyway
2. Have you ever had a white Christmas?
No, unfortunately. I had a Frozen Christmas once, though. The pipes in my house all froze up and on Christmas day, we had to go to our neighbours to have our showers. It was pretty embarassing...
3. Where do you usually spend your Holiday?
At home with my family. We usually leave to go visit more family a few days after Christmas, though.
4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
Hmmm... thats a hard one. I really like 'Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas', because right now, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas
5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Yes. My brother and I always exchange presents on Chrustmas Eve instead of day, so that we remember each others presents well!
6. Can you name all of Santas reindeer?
Rudolph, Dancer, Vixen, Dasher, Comet, Cupid... is that all of them? No? Oh well.
7. What Christmas traditions are you looking forward to the most this year?
A few days after Christmas every year, my extended family always get together in one of their houses (if you get what I mean) . Loads of people find family get togethers boring and annoying, but I really like them.
8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Both! Theres one room in my house thats always freezing, so we put the real tree in there (it would wilt anywhere else), and that tree has loads of mismatching family decorations. In our sitting room, we have the fake tree. This tree has a baubles colour scheme with it, and its also where the presents go!
9. What is your favourite Christmas food?
Has to be Terrys chocolate Orange!
10. Be honest: do you like giving or recieving gifts better?
This really depends on who I'm giving the gift to and who the gift is from. I prefer giving when I know that the reciever will genuinely like the present. I do like to get presents, though...
11. What was the best Christmas present you ever got?
I've gotten a lot of great presents. My best present I got when I was little was probably a dollhouse I got when I was 4 or 5 that stayed as my favourite toy until I was about 10 or 11. I also got my tablet (a computer tablet, not the medicine!) or Christmas, which I still use (as in, right now!)
12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
Paris. I know its probably really unsafe right now, but that city is my favourite in the world. By a lot. A lotta lot. London would be pretty cool to visit for the Holidays, though.
13. Are you a propresent wrapper, or do you fail miserabley?
Fail miserabley. Unless putting presents into gift bags counts....
14. Most memorable holiday moment?
I have soo many! I remember when I was about 8, my Dad and brother went off somewhere and I stayed at home with my Mom and my Granny and we made and decorated a gingerbread house. It doesnt sound terribly special, but its one of those thngs that I'll always remember.
15. What made you realize the truth about Santa?
Myself, I guess. It always seemed possible but then one day, I thought about it. One man travelling the whole world in one night who has flying reindeer and lives in a place thats nowhere on the map of the Earth? Maybe not. I asked my parents, and they told me the truth.
16. Do you make New Years Resolutions? Do you stick to them?
I never usually make them, but last year I did, and it was to get my splits. That kind of went down the drain... I put it down to the fact that I was born with unflexible bones!
I will try harder this year, though!!!!
17. What makes the holidays special for you?
The big run up to Christmas is the best, if you ask me! Everyones singing Christmas songs, and you have your Advent Calendar, and there's the decorations... its the best. Ever.
So there we have it, the Christmas tag is done! Thanks for reading, I have lots more Festive posts coming up, so keep on reading!
Kisses, Rose
Today, I've decided to do the Christmas tag, because why not? This is the first tag I've done on this blog, so lets get started!
1. What is your favourite Christmas film?
The Santa Clause. Definately. Hang on, maybe Elf... or what about Home Alone 2?
I'm not sure. One of those, anyway
2. Have you ever had a white Christmas?
No, unfortunately. I had a Frozen Christmas once, though. The pipes in my house all froze up and on Christmas day, we had to go to our neighbours to have our showers. It was pretty embarassing...
3. Where do you usually spend your Holiday?
At home with my family. We usually leave to go visit more family a few days after Christmas, though.
4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
Hmmm... thats a hard one. I really like 'Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas', because right now, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas
5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Yes. My brother and I always exchange presents on Chrustmas Eve instead of day, so that we remember each others presents well!
6. Can you name all of Santas reindeer?
Rudolph, Dancer, Vixen, Dasher, Comet, Cupid... is that all of them? No? Oh well.
7. What Christmas traditions are you looking forward to the most this year?
A few days after Christmas every year, my extended family always get together in one of their houses (if you get what I mean) . Loads of people find family get togethers boring and annoying, but I really like them.
8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Both! Theres one room in my house thats always freezing, so we put the real tree in there (it would wilt anywhere else), and that tree has loads of mismatching family decorations. In our sitting room, we have the fake tree. This tree has a baubles colour scheme with it, and its also where the presents go!
9. What is your favourite Christmas food?
Has to be Terrys chocolate Orange!
10. Be honest: do you like giving or recieving gifts better?
This really depends on who I'm giving the gift to and who the gift is from. I prefer giving when I know that the reciever will genuinely like the present. I do like to get presents, though...
11. What was the best Christmas present you ever got?
I've gotten a lot of great presents. My best present I got when I was little was probably a dollhouse I got when I was 4 or 5 that stayed as my favourite toy until I was about 10 or 11. I also got my tablet (a computer tablet, not the medicine!) or Christmas, which I still use (as in, right now!)
12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
Paris. I know its probably really unsafe right now, but that city is my favourite in the world. By a lot. A lotta lot. London would be pretty cool to visit for the Holidays, though.
13. Are you a propresent wrapper, or do you fail miserabley?
Fail miserabley. Unless putting presents into gift bags counts....
14. Most memorable holiday moment?
I have soo many! I remember when I was about 8, my Dad and brother went off somewhere and I stayed at home with my Mom and my Granny and we made and decorated a gingerbread house. It doesnt sound terribly special, but its one of those thngs that I'll always remember.
15. What made you realize the truth about Santa?
Myself, I guess. It always seemed possible but then one day, I thought about it. One man travelling the whole world in one night who has flying reindeer and lives in a place thats nowhere on the map of the Earth? Maybe not. I asked my parents, and they told me the truth.
16. Do you make New Years Resolutions? Do you stick to them?
I never usually make them, but last year I did, and it was to get my splits. That kind of went down the drain... I put it down to the fact that I was born with unflexible bones!
I will try harder this year, though!!!!
17. What makes the holidays special for you?
The big run up to Christmas is the best, if you ask me! Everyones singing Christmas songs, and you have your Advent Calendar, and there's the decorations... its the best. Ever.
So there we have it, the Christmas tag is done! Thanks for reading, I have lots more Festive posts coming up, so keep on reading!
Kisses, Rose
Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Hi there!
Just in case you haven't noticed, its December!!!
Yay!!! In other words, its nearly Christmas, one of the best times of the year and I am soo excited. Although there's no tree, my house is starting to be decked out (by me...) for this amazing time of year!
In todays post, I'm going to show you a few things I have, to be Christmassy. Hopefully you'll be in a festive mood by the time you're done reading!
My Advent Calender
I love advent Calenders, they really add to the whole excitement leading up to Christmas (even though theres loads of excitement anyway). I was really close to buying a yankee candle calender this year because it looks like such a great idea, and I adore scented candles, but its just so expensive! Instead, I've gone with the healthy option. Okay, not really. Caburys anyone? Yes please!
I happen not to be a calorie counter when its December!!!

(I took this before december - I don't nearly have enough self control to not eat the chocolates everyday!!!)
Festive Body washes
I got these two body washes last year for Christmas and I had so many others that I kind of didn't use them. I found them a few weeks back and I've really been enjoying them!
These are by beauticoligy (baylis and harding) and I got them in a set with a bar of soap (which I used last year) . They were a present, so I'm not sure how much they costed, but they were definately worth it!
The Gingerbread flavour looks glittery, so I thought my skin would be kind of shimmery after using it, but it wasn't. The smell is really good, however I don't really think its for everyone. Its like a really strong gingery sweet smell but it doesn't really stay after you use it.
The Cranberry flavour is my favourite of the two. The smell is sweet and delicate (very delicate - as in you get more of a vagye scent than a smell) but I prefer it to the strong gingery one.
Christmas mugs and hot chocolate
I got this mug a long time ago from and it had Lindt chocolate in it. The chocolate has been gone for years. I've kept the mug, though. I love drinking hot chocolate from it while thinking about Christmas. Its even got little santas on it... :-)
Well, I have lots more things I could add to this list, but I think I'll leave with this much for now. What do you do to be ready for Christmas? Let me know in the comments!
Kisses, Rose
Just in case you haven't noticed, its December!!!
Yay!!! In other words, its nearly Christmas, one of the best times of the year and I am soo excited. Although there's no tree, my house is starting to be decked out (by me...) for this amazing time of year!
In todays post, I'm going to show you a few things I have, to be Christmassy. Hopefully you'll be in a festive mood by the time you're done reading!
My Advent Calender
I love advent Calenders, they really add to the whole excitement leading up to Christmas (even though theres loads of excitement anyway). I was really close to buying a yankee candle calender this year because it looks like such a great idea, and I adore scented candles, but its just so expensive! Instead, I've gone with the healthy option. Okay, not really. Caburys anyone? Yes please!
I happen not to be a calorie counter when its December!!!

(I took this before december - I don't nearly have enough self control to not eat the chocolates everyday!!!)
I got these two body washes last year for Christmas and I had so many others that I kind of didn't use them. I found them a few weeks back and I've really been enjoying them!
These are by beauticoligy (baylis and harding) and I got them in a set with a bar of soap (which I used last year) . They were a present, so I'm not sure how much they costed, but they were definately worth it!
The Gingerbread flavour looks glittery, so I thought my skin would be kind of shimmery after using it, but it wasn't. The smell is really good, however I don't really think its for everyone. Its like a really strong gingery sweet smell but it doesn't really stay after you use it.
The Cranberry flavour is my favourite of the two. The smell is sweet and delicate (very delicate - as in you get more of a vagye scent than a smell) but I prefer it to the strong gingery one.
Christmas mugs and hot chocolate
I got this mug a long time ago from and it had Lindt chocolate in it. The chocolate has been gone for years. I've kept the mug, though. I love drinking hot chocolate from it while thinking about Christmas. Its even got little santas on it... :-)
Kisses, Rose
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