
Tuesday, 29 December 2015

2016 - My goals for the new year!

Hi guys!
I can't believe its nearly 2016!!! A whole new year to make amazing memories, go to great places, and meet incredible people! This year, I am going to set myself goals, and try to stick to them. Some will be easier than others, but I'm going to try do them all. Here we go...
· In 2016, I want to become more flexible. This will help with my ballet, jazz, and (probably) my general health (I don't know if it actually will, lets just say it does?)
·I want to eat less junk, and go on more runs. I won't exactly be Ms Fit the Fitness goals person, but I'm not great when it comes to excercising and all that jazz, so I'm going to try a bit harder next year!!!
· I'm going to study more, especially chemistry... even if I never get the real point of electrons and protons and all their friends.
· Hopefully, my blog will get bigger, and better, and I'll find lots of other blogs, too!
· Lastly, I hope to become more confident in front of people I don't really know, and actually TALK rather than just smiling, nodding, and thinking about something completely random while looking really angry (even though I'm not!)

These are my goals that I'll hopefully achieve. How about you? What are your goals for 2016? Let me know in the comments!!!
Kisses, Rose

Sunday, 13 December 2015

Secret Santa Gift Guide

Hi guys!
Seeing that its sooo close to Christmas right now, lots of people are doing Secret Santa. I did it twice this year, (once with my friends, once with my class). And I actually found it pretty hard to think of present ideas, because usually you don't know the person you have that well. So, in todays blog post, I will give you all some ideas for presents to give for Secret Santa. Enjoy!

Candles. And scented candles.
I love candles. Sooo much. Especially scented candles. Especially Wintery, Christmassy scented candles. They smell so good you could eat them (does that make sense?) ,they give off a beautiful lighting, and they look super, too! Plus, they aren't terribly expensive (usually). If your person doesnt really like scented candles - there are people out there like that- you could just get an unscented candle.So why the hell not?
I got this Frosted Marshmallow candle from Penneys. This smells super sweet, and just like marshmallows really :-)

Mini beauty products
Mini beauty products are a great idea for Christmas, I think. No explanation needed, to be honest. And if you like the mini version, then you can you all the way out with it, and get the big version later on.
I have especially been loving The Body Shop's mini beauty range. You can get a little set of mini hand cream and lip butter, which I got and its really nice, not terribly expensive either. I have the coconut scent, and it is definately something I recommend!

Tea/Hot chocolate/Other hot drinks with a mug
I think that these are really good gift ideas. I am a huge person for herbal teas (My aunt calls them hippy teas!) , and I actually got this really cute tea set from one of my friends. It comes with some teabags, an infuser, and a really cute mug that says 'hot tea' on it. If your person doesnt really like tea, then you can you down the hot chocolate route. Because, who doesnt like Hot chocolate?! A really quick, cute DIY thing you can do for the hot chocolate is put the powder in a jar, and top it with marshmallows. Bam. Hot chocolate delicousness that looks great in a jar. Another drink you go for is coffe, a drink I personally hate, but most people love it. Yet again, you can go all DIY-ish, and put some capsules, or instant coffee into a jar.


Pretty obvious, right? If you know the person well, you can give them their favourite treats, but if all else fails, candy canes are the way to go. They're cheap, Christmassy AND pretty. Yaaasss...

So theres ny Secret Santa Gift Guide. Are you doing Secret Santa this year? What are you getting for your person? Let me know in the comments!!!
Kisses, Rose

Sunday, 6 December 2015

The Christmas Tag!

Hello everyone!
Today, I've decided to do the Christmas tag, because why not? This is the first tag I've done on this blog, so lets get started!

1. What is your favourite Christmas film?
The Santa Clause. Definately. Hang on, maybe Elf... or what about Home Alone 2?
I'm not sure. One of those, anyway

2. Have you ever had a white Christmas?
No, unfortunately. I had a Frozen Christmas once, though. The pipes in my house all froze up and on Christmas day, we had to go to our neighbours to have our showers. It was pretty embarassing...

3. Where do you usually spend your Holiday?
At home with my family. We usually leave to go visit more family a few days after Christmas, though.

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
Hmmm... thats a hard one. I really like 'Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas', because right now, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas

5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Yes. My brother and I always exchange presents on Chrustmas Eve instead of day, so that we remember each others presents well!

6. Can you name all of Santas reindeer?
Rudolph, Dancer, Vixen, Dasher, Comet, Cupid... is that all of them? No? Oh well.

7. What Christmas traditions are you looking forward to the most this year?
A few days after Christmas every year, my extended  family always get together in one of their houses (if you get what I mean) . Loads of people find family get togethers boring and annoying, but I really like them.

8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
Both! Theres one room in my house thats always freezing, so we put the real tree in there (it would wilt anywhere else), and that tree has loads of mismatching family decorations. In our sitting room, we have the fake tree. This tree has a baubles colour scheme with it, and its also where the presents go!

9. What is your favourite Christmas food?
Has to be Terrys chocolate Orange!

10. Be honest: do you like giving or recieving gifts better?
This really depends on who I'm giving the gift to and who the gift is from. I prefer giving when I know that the reciever will genuinely like the present. I do like to get presents, though...

11. What was the best Christmas present you ever got?
I've gotten a lot of great presents. My best present I got when I was little was probably a dollhouse I got when I was 4 or 5 that stayed as my favourite toy until I was about 10 or 11. I also got my tablet (a computer tablet, not the medicine!) or Christmas, which I still use (as in, right now!)

12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
Paris. I know its probably really unsafe right now, but that city is my favourite in the world. By a lot. A lotta lot. London would be pretty cool to visit for the Holidays, though.

13. Are you a propresent wrapper, or do you fail miserabley?
Fail miserabley. Unless putting presents into gift bags counts....

14. Most memorable holiday moment?
I have soo many! I remember when I was about 8, my Dad and brother went off somewhere and I stayed at home with my Mom and my Granny and we made and decorated a gingerbread house. It doesnt sound terribly special, but its one of those thngs that I'll always remember.

15. What made you realize the truth about Santa?
Myself, I guess. It always seemed possible but then one day, I thought about it. One man travelling the whole world in one night who has flying reindeer and lives in a place thats nowhere on the map of the Earth? Maybe not. I asked my parents, and they told me the truth.

16. Do you make New Years Resolutions? Do you stick to them?
I never usually make them, but last year I did, and it was to get my splits. That kind of went down the drain... I  put it down to the fact that I was born with unflexible bones!
I will try harder this year, though!!!!

17. What makes the holidays special for you?
The big run up to Christmas is the best, if you ask me! Everyones singing Christmas songs, and you have your Advent Calendar, and there's the decorations... its the best. Ever.

So there we have it, the Christmas tag is done! Thanks for reading, I have lots more Festive posts coming up, so keep on reading!

Kisses, Rose

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Hi there!
Just in case you haven't noticed, its December!!!
Yay!!! In other words, its nearly Christmas, one of the best times of the year and I am soo excited. Although there's no tree, my house is starting to be decked out (by me...) for this amazing time of year!
In todays post, I'm going to show you a few things I have, to be Christmassy. Hopefully you'll be in a festive mood by the time you're done reading!

My Advent Calender
I love advent Calenders, they really add to the whole excitement leading up to Christmas (even though theres loads of excitement anyway). I was really close to buying a yankee candle calender this year because it looks like such a great idea, and I adore scented candles, but its just so expensive! Instead, I've gone with the healthy option. Okay, not really. Caburys anyone? Yes please!
I happen not to be a calorie counter when its December!!!

(I took this before december - I don't nearly have enough self control to not eat the chocolates everyday!!!)

Festive Body washes
I got these two body washes last year for Christmas and I had so many others that I kind of didn't use them. I found them a few weeks back and I've really been enjoying them!

These are by beauticoligy (baylis and harding) and I got them in a set with a bar of soap (which I used last year) . They were a present, so I'm not sure how much they costed, but they were definately worth it!
The Gingerbread flavour looks glittery, so I thought my skin would be kind of shimmery after using it, but it wasn't. The smell is really good, however I don't really think its for everyone. Its like a really strong gingery sweet smell but it doesn't really stay after you use it.
The Cranberry flavour is my favourite of the two. The smell is sweet and delicate (very delicate - as in you get more of a vagye scent than a smell) but I prefer it to the strong gingery one.

Christmas mugs and hot chocolate
I got this mug a long time ago from and it had Lindt chocolate in it. The chocolate has been gone for years. I've kept the mug, though. I love drinking hot chocolate from it while thinking about Christmas. Its even got little santas on it... :-)

Well, I have lots more things I could add to this list, but I think I'll leave with this much for now. What do you do to be ready for Christmas? Let me know in the comments!
Kisses, Rose

Sunday, 29 November 2015

How similar should your friends be?

Okay, so I haven't blogged in a while... but I've been really busy with life in general. This is the part where I would promise to post more often, say every Tuesday and Friday, but I won't because then I feel like this blog would be a chore, you know? I write this blog so I can blab on about my life annonymously and to enjoy it. And I do enjoy it. Having a blog is great fun. To keep it so fun, I'm not going to make a schedule or something about when to post, but I will try and post often enough, once a week, say? Maybe more?
Anyways, todays blog post is going to be rather deep, so be prepared!
I have lots of friends. And no, I don't get into arguements with them, or I dont dislike any of them, and to my furthest knowledge, none of them dislike me. I'm the quiet one in our group. The quiet one who gets good grades and thinks of good comebacks to things others say or do - thats me!
I'm not super quiet, though. I'm just not so great at the whole talking to people you dont really know thing. I worry so much about what others will think, as in to the extreme! I was worse last year, I think that I'm overcoming my shyness, its just not completely gone yet. Funny, I can confidently dance in front of hundreds byt the idea of going up to someone I dont really know and chatting to them scares me!
So, one of the girls in my group, hates another girl. None of us in the group are great friends with this other girl, but I dont mind her. When she told us that she hated her, one of my other friends was like "Me too. Lets all hate her so we can be squad goals who hate the same people". So now all of us are set on auto-hate to this girl. I don't say it to them, but I don't really hate this girl. Thats the thing about being quiet, you dont have to agree all the time!!!
This got me thinking, though. Would we not be squad goals if we didnt all hate the girl? My friends and I all have some things in common, but no two of us are the same. So why do we have to seem more similar by hating this girl? How similar do you have to be with somebody to be friends?
I think that we shouldn't all be the same, that we can all have our own opinion on things and still be friends.
Or, we can all love and hate the same things.
Both those kind of friendships work, I've been in both cases.
How about you? Do your friends try and seem the same as you? Or do you all stay different?
Every friendship is special, but is that because of the differences or similarities? I think its a mixture of both.
Best way to be squad goals? Enjoy being with the people you place yourself with. Your friendships are your choices, so pick carefully, and enjoy the ups and downs, the giving and recieving in friendship.
Kisses, Rose

Monday, 16 November 2015

Little things that are the best...

Today, I'm going to share with you the little things in my life that are genuinely the best! I am really grateful of how lucky I am and I send all my prayers to Paris after the awful bombings last Friday. Nobody should ever have to go out for a fun night only to be killed. If you've read my 20 facts about me post, then you know that Paris is one of my favourite places - elegant, beautiful and busy. It makes me feel sick to know that people can be so cruel.
So, without further adue, lets begin!

The first thing I have here, even though these aren't in any order, is Christmas! I love Christmas everything. Christmas food, candles, decorations, the presents, The Nutcracker(!) - in short, everything about Christmas excites me! Not to mention it is only.... *checks calender* 39 days away!!!!!!!!

The next thing I have here is ballet. No, I'm not some ballet child prodigy. No, I don't do classes every day of the week. No, I don't have the small, thin ballet physique.... but those don't, and never will, stop me from loving this beautiful art so, so much!

Helping people
I love to help people. I know, it sounds really strange, and slightly cheesy, but when someone tells me I've just make their day, it makes my day as well!!! I try really hard to be as helpful as I can, without being overly - helpful, you know?

I love to travel places. By car, by train, by ferry, by plane.... especially by plane! I love airports, you se so many different people all busily making their way hurridly around from country to country. And when your on the plane and it lands, it gives a little thump noise, and everyone on board claps and hugs each other. A lovely feeling.

Chocolate is one of my favourite foods. Ever. Especially Cadburys, and Lindt, and Terrys, and... just every kind, really. Yum :-)

I think I'll leave you there, but in short, I want to just appreciate everything I have, and remind other people to do so as well, because we can often accidently take things for granted! There are people out there with nothing, and they are really nice, kind people (I haven't travelled to meet any of them before, but it would really surprise me if these people weren't nice). You can buy happiness, but you can't buy yourself kindness.
Kisses, Rose

Friday, 13 November 2015

Time to de-stress

Hi everyone!!!
This week has been MAD for me - its been like a never ending rollercoaster of exams and studying. On top of that, I felt pretty sick for most of it. So not fun. Balancing all of this with life has been pretty difficult, leading to a really stressful week.
But there is some good news - Today Is Friday!!!!!!
Its Friday the 13th, but still...
Tomorrow, there are no exams
Sunday, there are no exams
Monday.... lets not go there yet
I'm just really happy that its Friday and that I can just calm down and stop worrying about exams for a while. Yay!!! So today, I'm going to write about how I like to de-stress, because I will be doing most of them this weekend. I do these on a regular basis and find them useful. Enjoy!!!

-Firstly, I love to just have a nice mug of herbal tea to
calm me down. I currently really like this apple and cinnnamon infusion from Tesco - it smells really, really good, tastes even better, and its also pretty seasonal!!!

-Obviously, I have to light a scented candle. I love this yankee candle. Its called 'Black Cherry'. Its really
sweet and really strong, so probably not for everyone, but I think its just like heaven in a jar. I'm also staying fairly seasonal, because its a lovely winey colour :-)

-Another thing I like to do is to have a really long, really warm shower. There is just something so
calming about the lovely warm water and the smells
of shampoos, soaps, conditioners.... if you have a bath, even better! I don't though, so I just stick to a shower.

-Another tip I have is chocolate... You can also have sweets but I personally prefer chocolate. Try
not to have too much, though, obviously. The aim of this is to de-stress, not to de-stroy your health!!! (I might do some healthy snacks posts soon, what do you think?)

-Open a window. I know most of the time you are told to go for a walk, but its getting dark early here in
Ireland, and I am also just not bothered to leave the house (if you can go for a walk, then do obviously!) So what I do is I just open a window in a room. Fresh air on your face is actually one of the best feelings ever. Just so long its not followed by a huge gust of wind/rain!!!

-Lastly, if you're feeling stressed because of something your friends might want you to do, then stop that, and be yourself! The only changes a friend should make to you are good ones, and if you feel that your friends are trying to get you to do something, and its not you, and its not going to change you in a good way, just say no. Your friends are not friends with you to change you in a bad way, they're friends with you because they like you as a person andof course, they want to have fun with you!!!!

Hope you found these tips useful. What do you do to de-stress? Do you do any of these things as well? Let me know in the comments!!!!
Kisses, Rose

All photos are mine :-)

Monday, 9 November 2015

Chat about makeup!

I'm meant to be studying right now, but I think I'd rather write a blog post. So I am. In todays post, I'm going to talk about makeup, which sounds a bit strange but not many people do this and I think it is a good idea. So lets begin!
I have okay skin. Its not flawles; not nearly, but still. I don't have bright red acne covering every inch of my face. I have a few freckles, a couple of spots here and there and under eye bags. Not perfect, but its grand.
Going to an all-girls school, most of my friends and I don't bother wearing makeup to school, usually. I mean like, if there are photos being taken, or if its a no uniform day, then we probably will. But not on an everyday basis.
Some of the girls in my year, and a good few girls in the older years above us wear full face makeup everyday to school. As in, like, full face. They put on the primer, foundation, eyeshadow and all that, but they don't stop there. They contour. They fill in their eyebrows. They conceal, highlight and outline their face every morning in front of the mirror. It must take forever. And all for what? Its an all girls school, people!!! There are no guys in the school ever. As in, ever. So basically, we have these girls go into school, their faces hidden (pretty much!) And its really just for, well, other girls. I think its a bit of a waste of time (to be honest), but, lets just let them be.
I understand that for girls with a low face confidence, makeup can completely change them (in a good way, as in they feel better about themsleves!)
 And I also understand that some girls just love putting on makeup. They see the colours and squirt, squirt, squirt from the bottles, jars and pallets and they have the time of their life. A simple pleasure. Like me and ballet. You feel like you finally can let go of everything and just dance. Or for them, put on makeup. I completely get that!
But I'm not like either of them. I don't like my spots and under eye bags, but I wouldnt have a mini panic attack from not leaving the house with them covered up.
And while putting on makeup isn't something I hate (like maths, sweeping the floor and taking my cats hair off the sofa) , it wouldn't be something terribly high up on my priorities list. Its enjoyable enough, but not as fun as other things (I think so anyways)
But still, whenever I go out in public, there is like this invisible person making me put on makeup. I was talking about it with my friend once, and realised something: we really are only doing it for one another. None of my friends need makeup, we all have good skin, but even still, there is this expectation that we kind of have that we should always look perfect. So we wear makeup to live up to it.
Even after all that, I still wear some makeup every now and then. I wear it to live up to expectations and it can be enjoyable to put on. I wear it to define my good points (my cheekbones) and to put less of an emphasis on my spotty chin!
What do you think?
Do you wear makeup?
I can't wait to hear what you guys think!
Kisses, Rose

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Autumn photos : -)

Hi everyone!
 Its November now, so autumn is pretty much over. Its at like a halfway point between Autumn and Winter -  (47 days until Christmas!!!!) But even still, being me, I decided to do an autumn photo taking session. Because, autumn leaves (whats left of them) are so pretty!!! And I was conviniently in my local park today, so why not? I'm not a great photographer, buteven still it was really fun to take these photos. I took some in the light of day and some when it was starting to get dark, for contrast- I took some of the same photos twice (once in the light, once in the dark) and they looked completely different! Well anyways here you go, sorry for the long rambley (is rambley a word?) introduction!!!

turn the selfie camera on under a tree and this is the result!!! 

I really liked just the simplicity of the leaves on the ground here - the park was covered with a leaf carpet, if you want to put it that way.

When I showed my brother these photos, he told me this was the best one. I saw the sun and shadow contrast and the photo had to be taken!!

This was just me kneeling down on the grass with everyone looking at me confusedly(?)  while I casually take a photo of grass....

This was the first photo I took in the dark. I don't really know what to say here about this one - I just thought it looked nice, I guess!!! 

This photo was taken of the exact same tree in day time. It looks completely different here though.

So was this one!!! 

This looks kind of like a cherry blossom tree.... its not though. Its just like a typical tree with leaves (my tree knowledge is close to none!)

To finish off, why not go all tumblr and take a picture of the sunset in the park?

So there you go. More brown and yellow than red and orange... but still nice, I hope? I don't plan on doing too many photos posts, but if you want more, let me know in the comments!!!
By the way, before I leave you,I'd like to give a shoutout to Hope, another new blogger (like me!) She posts really good fanfiction, but she's also done a few personal posts too, here's a link to her blog.
Kisses, Rose

Friday, 6 November 2015

Study tips

Hi everyone!!
Next week, I have exams. Loads of exams. I'm not looking forward to it at all. I have to do sooo much studying!!!!! In every chapter of every subject - I do 10 subjects, by the way. That makes like... a million chapters to learn!!! No!!!

Anyways, I need to keep a relatively positive mindset about this, so... Lets study! It'll be so fun! I'd totally rather study than shop or dance or hang out with my friends!
Oh well, I don't really find myself too convincing there. But even still, hopefully I get points for trying to pretend I'd like to do these exams???

So because I have exams, I'm going to dedicate todays blog post to study tips. These are tips that work for me, so hopefully they'll work for you!!

- I always like to have a study snack while I study so I don't get hungry and distracted. When Im in a healthy mood, I go for nuts or fruit, but otherwise I'll just go for chocolate.....

- I have a handy app on my phone and tablet called Quizlet. Basically what you do on it is you select a chapter of a subject, and then tgey test you on it. This is really handy for like when I'm going places and I want to sudy but don't want to drag a million books around with me!

- I know its pretty sraight forward, but I'm going to write about highlighters anyway. You can buy them in most shops, and in short they make long paragraphs more readable. I've always used them, but recently I've used a post it note and written the important parts on that instead. I find this to be more helpful and, if you have to pass down your boook to a younger sibling (like I do!) then this is a handy alternative that still looks nice and colourful.

- Make sure you have breaks in your studying, but don't take advantage of these breaks and decide not to return to your studying! (Im guilty of this a few times...)

- Lastly, I like to light a scented candle while I study because I find it kind of calms and focuses me better. Or maybe its because I just love scented candles so much!!

I hope this helped some of you!! What are your study tips?? Let me know in the comments!!
Kisses, Rose

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

20 Facts About Me :-)

So today I'm sick off school, so I've decided to do 20 facts about me. I don't even know if I'll be able to come up with 20, so hopefully it'll give me something to do!
1. I'm 14 years young :-)
2. I love scented candles. So, so, much. Omigod, yankee candles.....
3. I have celiac disease, so I can't eat gluten.
4. I have a cat and two guinea pigs.
5. My foot size is 4.
6. My favourite place in the world is Paris. When I'm like twenty and I'm done school, I'm going to live there for a year. I hope...
7. I do ballet and jazz dancing. I love both, but prefer ballet. I'd love to find myself in one of those residential ballet schools in the UK, but unfortunately I probably never will :-P
8. I really love old fashioned things. They're just so much cuter in general than modern stuff, don't you agree?
9. My favourite sweets are skittles. Especially purple ones.
10. I hate regular tea, but I love all those weird wonderful herbal teas.
11. I really love to bake. The smell, the looks - and of course the taste of delicous baked foods. Yum.
12. I would LOVE to be good at art, and draw like masterpieces in no time.
13. I hate having my nails painted, but I love to paint other peoples nails.
14. My favourite colours are purple, yellow and red. Most of my stuff is pink, though.
15. I'm really scared of injections.
16. I really like Harry Potter, but I've only seen the first 3 films of it.
17. I have glasses, but I rarely wear them.
18. I don't really like meat, but I love fish.
19. My favourite fizzy drink is pink lemonade.
20. My favourite season is Spring (kind of far away,though!)

Well, thats 20...they were really random, but hope you enjoyed them and please comment below any random facts about you!!!
Kisses, Rose

Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Welcome to my blog!

I used to keep a diary. It was really just a brown hardback copybook with colourful stripes going down the front that I got cheaply in the local shop, but to me, it was way more than that. I poured my heart into that copy, writing all about my secrets, life problems and so on. I wrote in it when I was happy. Or sad. Or angry. Or whatever, you know. Adults would tell me that writing in a diary was a great way to get rid of my problems. To be honest, that didn't really happen. Nobody was allowed read my diary, so how could I get advice? And my brother would always try to read it. Always. And by the way, people, lets just take a minute to sympathise my poor hand. I had to write so much and my hand was aching after!
After a year, I decided that diary keeping just wasn't my forté. So I stopped. My hand stopped hurting and my brother didn't have anything to inrtude on. And we all live happily ever after. Or maybe not.
I kept that diary when I was 9. I've tried a few times to restart the whole diary writing thing, but it just doesn't want to work. I have school. I have homework. I have dance. I have life! 
And that is why I've decided to start a blog. It'll be like my diary, but better. I'm going to be completely anonymous, so I can be honest. I'll write about my life in general; so that means school, my pets, dance, my problems, my happy times, my food (I'll post up a thing about that soon!) And so on. I'm going to call myself Rose (I can't use my real name!!!) Because, roses are one of my favourite flowers. Don't you love how soft and delicate they look? And the smell of roses.... sooo good!
Okay-bye for now!
Kisses, Rose

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